Property Location: Gongabu Mitranagar Clear

House sale in Mitranagar are you searching for House sale in Mitranagar ? Location: Mitranagar (Gongabu)                          स्थान: मित्रनगर (गोंगबु) Road: 10 feet                                                                 बाटो: १० फिट Floor: 5                                                                             तला: ५ तले Face: South                                                                      मोहोडा: दक्षिण Type: Flat                                                                          किसिम: फ्लाट Land area : 0-2-2-0                                                       जग्गा क्षेत्रफल: साढे २ आना Price: Rs 2,80,00,000                                                 मुल्य: रु २ करोड ८० लाख More details of house : a house having land area 0-2-2-0 of 5 floors, facing south,…

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