Land sale in Raniban Raniban, Kathmandu

Rs.6,500,000 /Per Ana
SKU: FLS 612
Property type: Commercial


Commercial land sale in Raniban

Commercial land sale in Raniban

are you looking for Commercial land sale in Raniban ?

Details of land :

  • Location: Raniban                                               स्थान: रानीबन
  • Land area: 0-8-0-0                                              जग्गा क्षेत्रफल: ८ आना
  • Road: 26 Feet pitched                                        बाटो: २६ फिट पिच
  • Face: West                                                              मोहोडा: पश्चिम
  • Price: Rs 65,00,000 Per ana                           मुल्य: रु ६५ लाख प्रती आना

Short Details:

commercial land having 0-8-0-0 of 26 feet pitched road, facing west is on sale at raniban. for more details and visit call on 9851132469 / 9801132469 / 9823111377.



Land buy and sale is a common practice in Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal. The real estate market in Kathmandu has been booming over the years, and buying or selling land has become a lucrative business.

There are several factors that contribute to the increasing demand for land in Kathmandu. Firstly, the population of the city has been steadily increasing, leading to a higher demand for housing and commercial spaces. Secondly, the government has been investing in infrastructure projects, such as highways, airports, and public transportation, which has increased the value of land in areas near these projects.

Buying and selling land in Kathmandu requires careful consideration and knowledge of the local laws and regulations. It is important to work with a reputable real estate agent or lawyer to ensure a smooth transaction. Before purchasing any land, it is essential to verify the ownership and legal documents of the property.

In Kathmandu, land prices vary depending on the location, size, and accessibility of the property. Generally, the prices are higher in the central areas of the city, such as Thamel, Durbar Marg, and New Road, while the outskirts of the city offer more affordable options.

Selling land in Kathmandu can be a profitable venture, especially if the property is located in a prime location. It is important to set a reasonable price for the property and to advertise it effectively through various channels such as newspapers, online platforms, and social media.

In conclusion, the land buy and sale market in Kathmandu is thriving, and with the increasing population and government investment in infrastructure, the demand for land is expected to continue to grow. As with any real estate transaction, it is important to proceed with caution and seek professional advice to ensure a successful transaction.



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