Furnished office space rent in kamalpokhari Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu

SKU: FOR 276
Property type: Office Space
Area (Sq Ft)


  • Air conditioning
  • Backup Power
  • Furniture
  • Garage / Parking
  • Lift
  • Line Water


Office space rent in kamalpokhari

Searchong for Office space rent in kamalpokhari

are you looking for Office space rent in kamalpokhari ?

  • Location: Kamalpokhari                                                     स्थान: कमलपोखरी
  • Road: 33 feet                                                                             बाटो: ३३ फिट
  • Floor: Basement                                                                      तला: बेसमेन्ट
  • Face: East                                                                                   मोहोडा: पुर्व
  • Type: Furnished office space                                              किसिम: फर्निश अफिस स्पेस
  •  Area: 1500 SqFt                                                                      क्षेत्रफल: १५ सय स्क्वायर फिट
  • Price: RENTED

Short Details :

furnished office space having 1500 SqFt, facing east, 33 feet road is on rent at kamalpokhari. for more details and visit please call on 9851132469 – 9801132469 – 9823111377.

Additional Features :

·         Car Parking ·         Water Supply
·         Electricity
·         Land Line Telephone
·         Cable TV
·         Drainage
·         Treated Water
·         24Hr Concierge Service
·         24Hr Security
·         Invertor/Generator Power Backup


Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal, is a bustling metropolis that attracts a lot of people for various reasons like work, education, or simply to explore the beauty of Nepal. For those looking for a comfortable stay, renting a fully furnished apartment is an excellent option.

Fully furnished apartments in Kathmandu come equipped with all the basic amenities one would need for a comfortable stay. They typically include a bed, sofa, dining table, chairs, kitchen appliances, and utensils. Some apartments may also provide additional amenities like air conditioning, internet connection, television, and washing machine.

The cost of renting a fully furnished apartment in Kathmandu can vary depending on various factors like location, size, and amenities. However, on average, a one-bedroom fully furnished apartment in a good location can cost anywhere between NPR 30,000 to NPR 50,000 per month.

When searching for a fully furnished apartment in Kathmandu, it is advisable to do some research and compare the prices and amenities offered by different apartments. You can also seek the help of a local real estate agent to help you find the best deal.

Overall, renting a fully furnished apartment in Kathmandu can provide a hassle-free and comfortable stay for those looking to explore the city or stay for an extended period.


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