land sale in gwarko lalitpur looking for land sale in gwarko lalitpur ? plottted land sale in gwarko lalitpur Location: Gwarko स्थान: ग्वार्को ललितपुर Land area: 0-4-2-3 and 0-4-2-1 जग्गा: ४ आना २ पैसा ३ दाम र ४ आना २ पैसा १ दाम Road: 13 feet ending बाटो: १३ फिट Face: 0-4-2-3 East and 0-4-2-1 west मोहोडा: ४ आना २ पैसा ३ दाम पुर्व, र ४ आना २ पैसा १ दाम पश्चिम Price: Rs 45,00,000 Per ana मुल्य: रु ४५ लाख प्रती आना plotted land having area 0-4-2-3 East and 0-4-2-1 west, 13 feet ending…
Land sale in satdobato lalitpur searching for Land sale in satdobato lalitpur looking for Land sale in satdobato lalitpur ? Location: Satdobato (near by swimming pool) स्थान: सातदोबाटो(स्विमिङ्ग पुल नजिक) Land area: 4-8-0-0 जग्गा एरिया: साढे ४ रोपनी Road: 20 feet बाटो: २० फिट पिच Face: East – west – north मोहोडा: पुर्व- पश्चिम- उत्तर Type: Commercial किसिम: ब्यावसायिक Price: Rs…
House For Rent In Lalitpur - house rent in surise homes balkumari lalitpur, full furnished bungalow house for rent in lalitpur balkumari sunrise homes.
Land Sale In Dhobighat Lalitpur Searching to Land Sale In Dhobighat Lalitpur looking for Land Sale In Dhobighat Lalitpur ? Location: Dhobighat स्थान: धोबिघाट Land area: 1-5-2-0 जग्गा क्षेत्रफल: साढे २१ आना Road: 13 feet बाटो: १३ फिट Face: East मोहोडा: पुर्व Price: Rs…
Apartment sale in lalitpur are you searching for apartment sale in lalitpur dhapakhel Looking for buy sale Apartment sale in lalitpur Location: Dhapakhel स्थान: ढापाखेल Road: 20 feet बाटो: २० फिट Floor: 11th तला: एघारौँ तला Face: West मोहोडा: पस्चिम Type: 3 BHK Full Furnished किसिम: ३ बेड रूम फुल फर्निस Area: 1195 Sq FT क्षेत्रफल: ११९५ स्क्वायरफिट Price: Rs 1,55,00,000 मुल्य: रु १ करोड ५५ लाख Short Details : having 1 attached bed room,2 none attached bed room, 1 living room, 1 kitchen dinning, 1 toilet bath room, facing west is on sale at Dhapakhel Lalitpur. Additional Features :…
House Rent In Dholahiti Lalitpur searching for House Rent In Dholahiti Lalitpur ? are you looking for House Rent In Dholahiti Lalitpur ? Location: Dholahiti स्थान: ढोलाहिटी Road: 26 and 14 feet बाटो: २६ फिट र १४ फिट Floor: 2.5 तला: साढे २ तले Face: West – South …